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2 points by almkglor 6220 days ago | link | parent

  (def varline (typ id val)
    (if (in typ 'users 'syms 'toks 'bigtoks)  (apply prs val)
        (is typ 'lines)                       (map prn val)
        (is typ 'yesno)                       (pr (if val 'yes 'no))
        (caris typ 'choice)                   (varline (cadr typ) nil val)
        (text-type typ)                       (pr (or val ""))
                                              (pr val)))

  (defpat varline-pat
    (,(typ (in typ 'users 'syms 'toks 'bigtoks))
        _ val)
         (apply prs val)
    ('lines _ val)
         (map prn val)
    ('yesno _ val)
         (pr (if val 'yes 'no))
    (('choice c) _ val)
         (varline c nil val)
    (,(typ (text-type typ)) _ val)
         (pr (or val ""))
    (_ __ val)
         (pr val))

2 points by almkglor 6220 days ago | link

Might probably be shorter if I also add ,@(test _):

  (defpat varline-pat
    (,@(in _ 'users 'syms 'toks 'bigtoks)
        _ val)
         (apply prs val)
    ('lines _ val)
         (map prn val)
    ('yesno _ val)
         (pr (if val 'yes 'no))
    (('choice c) _ val)
         (varline c nil val)
    (,@(text-type _) _ val)
         (pr (or val ""))
    (_ __ val)
         (pr val))
The above won't work on nex-3's arc-wiki.git yet, but I'll add it this evening; I don't have access to my hacking computer right now.
