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4 points by raymyers 6219 days ago | link | parent

I also enjoy currying and "pointfree" style. However, wouldn't it require giving up functions that take an arbitrary number of arguments? (In fact Scala has both, but it required introducing a special syntax.)

I find that Arc's shortcut closure [] notation is a surprisingly good curry-substitute. For example:

    (map (act w) locs-to-check) ; currying
    (map [act w _] locs-to-check) ; only one token longer

2 points by cooldude127 6218 days ago | link

there's something to that. i didn't really think about it, but that might just be fine. that's actually exactly what scala's explicit partial application looks like, with the underscore.

i honestly haven't been doing a whole lot of practical arc programming. CL and Slime have spoiled me to the point where I find it difficult to use a language that doesn't have that convenience
