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2 points by kennytilton 6214 days ago | link | parent

Supporting infix may not only be good for math. Consider the following: (sort (fn (sm gr) (sm < gr)) somelist)

Consider: (sort < somelist)

And if (sort (fn (x y) (< x y)) somelist) looks awkward then maybe the issue is prefix altogether? I think anyone trying Arc who is new to Lisp might try Just Lisping (in Arc, of course) for a few weeks before even thinking about changing the language. These things take time and until one has done enough coding to get fluent (or throw up ones hands and say it has been three weeks and I still hate this!) one cannot even form an opinion about the whatever that thing might be. It is like an editor or IDE -- I hated the IDE I love now but made myself wait a month before ripping the vendor a new one. Now people accuse me of being on their sales team.

Case in point: Arc. It is hard judging the brevity/parens stuff because I am in pain anyway without a decent IDE, without a debugger, without a standard library... but I slogged my way thru a port of Cells from Lisp to Arc and some of the brevity is growing on me (I deliberately stopped doing a transliteration and reinvented over the keyboard so I could feel the language better) and at this point I think I can say I would not kick Arc out of bed. Something like that.

btw, if we are just talking about one math formula in a blue moon, why bother? I mean, it would be fun if it had no cost, sure, but apparently pg has plans for numbers in the functional position. Anyway...

2 points by cadaver 6214 days ago | link

cadaver wrote:

  (sort (fn (sm gr) (sm < gr)) somelist)
Yes, a stupid example, sorry.

What are those plans for numbers in the functional position? pg's comments in the arc1 source are completely compatible with eds's system:

Comment 1 is about literal numbers as functions: (1) evaluates to 1

But that is not incompatible with comment two, which is about swapping first and second positions: (1 + 1) evaluates to 2

In fact, math-infix can only benefit if both were added to the language.
