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1 point by kennytilton 6213 days ago | link | parent

New contribution?! That was a joke, a painful transliteration of a couple of pages of graph paper formulas and diagrams working out the parameterized construction of a 3-dimensional button out of insanely small OpenGL atoms, including the torturous calculation of normals to support lighting.

I steered this thread to the Common Lisp Hyperspec entry on loop. By reading that and examining your own use of Arc iterators you can deduce how it can express them all more briefly and with fewer parens. That immediately helps the hacker over one bump... when it is time to iterate I type "(loop " without thinking and just take it from there -- no worrying about whether it is a sequence, list, or hash table, or whether I will need temp variable to be defined in a let/with statement, loop includes a mechanism for that, etc etc etc...