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1 point by almkglor 6211 days ago | link | parent

There's just a problem: an error occurs on the macro user which must be fixed by the macro writer. Assuming the macro is complex enough, the user may not care to try hacking the macro source to get at the symbol to be (only-top ...)'ed.

Hmm. Problems, problems. My rename-the-local-variables solution won't work very well for macros which accept literal, unquoted symbols.

2 points by drcode 6211 days ago | link

Understood, but if the user has the problem and doesn't want to hack on the macro, all they'd have to do is rename their local variable, which would be an OK comprise I think.


1 point by lisper 6211 days ago | link

Until the day you want to do this:

(mac1 ... (mac2 ...

and find that MAC1 has a name conflict with MAC2, and both MAC1 and MAC2 were written by someone else.
