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Community wiki
19 points by byronsalty 6211 days ago | 13 comments
Does anyone else feel we should have a community wiki? As discussed before the forum is transient and important things which are discussed this week will be gone the next. An example is the anarki git repository. How would someone find that if they show up next month?

PG: Can you add some wiki software to the site so that the community can start maintaining links, software examples, FAQ, etc?

If not I guess we can buy a domain and set one up ourselves. I see is available.

12 points by pg 6210 days ago | link

Ok, will try to cook up something.

I'm busy at the moment getting the source of news.yc ready to release in the next version. But that should be done in a couple days max.


5 points by sacado 6211 days ago | link

Very good idea. I think it would be better if it was done by pg on this site. Spreading Arc stuff all around the web is not the best way to have a united community. And the problem would remain the same : how could someone coming in a few weeks know where that wiki is ?

What do you think of it pg ?


6 points by byronsalty 6211 days ago | link

Good point. has to link to the wiki at the same level as the tutorial and forum.

I think this would be sufficient.


1 point by lojic 6209 days ago | link

In the short term, a search feature for the forum might do the trick. I keep resorting to Google to find old threads which is less than ideal.

But in the long term, I agree that something like a wiki would be quite valuable. We shouldn't have to keep searching for old items. If pg did it as part of the site, maybe editing could be granted with a minimum point threshold to provide some level of protection from spam/graffiti. Plus pg, rm, etc. could exercise more control over some of the core info.

And I agree that doing it in Arc, while unnecessary, would be valuable in putting more pressure on the language.


6 points by guinex 6211 days ago | link

This wiki should be implemented in arc. And yes, I know this is reinventing the wheel.


3 points by yters 6211 days ago | link

Just to throw this idea out there again:

wikiable app (the wiki is both a normal wiki, plus the code can be hot edited)

I'll shut up now.


1 point by cchooper 6208 days ago | link

Don't shut up. It's a good idea. I might give it a try at some point.


1 point by sacado 6211 days ago | link

This is also an occasion to :

   - prove (once more) Arc can be used in real apps
   - experiment a little more with the language and see what's good / what's not good yet with it


1 point by byronsalty 6211 days ago | link

One thing that it's not good at (as far as I could tell) but is generally useful for a wiki is file uploads through web. I'm planning to add this myself but it's about 3rd or 4th on my list so I won't be upset if someone else beats me to it. hint hint.


2 points by ryantmulligan 6211 days ago | link

I think it's a good idea to keep all of the arc related stuff on one site, if possible. It limits the barriers to entry.


1 point by drcode 6211 days ago | link

btw- there already is


1 point by simonmichael 6211 days ago | link

ikiwiki seems nice. It is git-based, so distributed, so you can defer the question of where it gets hosted. Also you can maintain it alongside and using the same tools as the code (it does allow web edits also). It is perl but supports plugins in any language. You could get a wiki up now, write plugins in arc, and do an arc rewrite in due course.


1 point by greatness 6211 days ago | link

I guess another way of doing it is by getting a wikia wiki.
