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4 points by fallintothis 6211 days ago | link | parent

Though, of course, the idea in Arc is to use aif and avoid all those unnecessary parentheses as in cond:

  (= airport (table))
  (= (airport 'yyz) "Toronto")
  (aif (airport 'sfo) (prn "This won't print " it)
       (airport 'yyz) (prn "I'm flying to " it))
On the other hand, it's good that you can easily extend Lisps with virtually any control structure you want. To each their own, so far as the parentheses-laden cond vs. parentheses-lacking if issue goes.

1 point by kostas 6210 days ago | link

I was wondering why acond wasn't included in arc.arc. Now I see why. The Arc aif is definitely better. Thanks.
