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2 points by bogomipz 6210 days ago | link | parent

As mentioned, the macro expands at compile time, but the value of lst is not available until runtime.

In order to expand a call to 'and with 6 sub expressions into (if e0 (if e1 (if e2 (if e3 (if e4 e5))))), all 6 expressions must be visible at compile time.

Splicing in a list of arguments to a macro will simply never work (except by compiling the code from scratch each time you run it, i.e. limiting yourself to the most inefficient of interpreter techniques)

1 point by absz 6210 days ago | link

Aha! Oh, I see. I should have realized that. Yes, that's a problem :) I'm not convinced it's insurmountable, but this syntax certainly won't work. Thank you.

I still, however, think it might be nice for functions, but that's merely a difference in appearance, not functionality.
