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2 points by cooldude127 6207 days ago | link | parent

complement only works with functions. behind the scenes, it uses apply to call the original function. at first glance, i don't really see a reason that it couldn't just do the same as (compose no _)

2 points by eds 6207 days ago | link

I know compose works on macros... but I'm not sure you are straight on, because compose uses apply as well. And the macro expansions look exactly the same.

  arc> (macex '(compose no litmatch))
  (fn gs1639 (no (apply litmatch gs1639)))
  arc> (macex '(complement litmatch))
  (fn gs1641 (no (apply litmatch gs1641)))
  arc> ((compose no litmatch) "a" "aston")
  arc> ((complement litmatch) "a" "aston")
  Error: "vector-ref: expects type <non-negative exact integer> as 2nd argument,
  given: \"a\"; other arguments were: #3(tagged mac #<procedure>)"
So what is going on here?


3 points by cooldude127 6207 days ago | link

except calls to compose are optimized away in the interpreter. they are treated specially. look in the `ac' function in ac.scm. i'm guessing this is the reason.


1 point by absz 6207 days ago | link

Ah! That must be the problem, yes. Good catch!

Now, what to do about the other case... there's still no reason it should bug out, it seems to me. Or rather, it should be implementable in such a way that it shouldn't.


2 points by cooldude127 6207 days ago | link

mainly, we need an apply that works for macros. why would that not be possible, i wonder.


5 points by pg 6207 days ago | link

What you're thinking of can be done, but only by calling eval explicitly. I.e. what you could do thus with or if it were a function:

  (apply or args)
you have to do thus with the real or, which is a macro:

  (eval (cons or args))
This is not surprising, because macros live in the world of expressions, not values.


3 points by aston 6207 days ago | link

What you mean is, we need macros to be first class.


1 point by absz 6207 days ago | link

Yes, we do. But if I recall (and I can't test, because the git "wiki" broke for later mzschemes again), apply does work for macros, except it evaluates all the arguments first, which breaks things like and. Someone should test that, though; as I noted, I can't.

EDIT: No, sorry. It doesn't work. My bad.


4 points by nex3 6207 days ago | link

Just as a note, the wiki is fixed now.


1 point by absz 6207 days ago | link

I saw, that's how I was able to test. Thank you for setting it up, by the way! And if you fixed it, thank you for that; if someone else did, thank them for that.


3 points by nex3 6207 days ago | link

You're welcome :-). It would be wfarr who fixed this issue, though.


1 point by cooldude127 6207 days ago | link

well, yeah. basically.


1 point by absz 6207 days ago | link

Compose does something very similar behind the scenes as well, in fact. So there's no reason it should work either.
