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15 points by projectileboy 6207 days ago | link | parent

If we're throwing out random nitpicks, then I would vote for "number?" as the test function name, with "number" or "num" being the coercing function. I think the SICP style of appending a question mark at the end of boolean functions makes for very readable code, and keeps with the Arc design goal of brevity. I do not like "anum" or "anumber", because I think "a____" should in general be reserved for anaphoric macros, for consistency's sake.

2 points by map 6203 days ago | link

"number?" looks good to me. It's easier to guess what it does than to guess what anumber does. (And that's the type of name that Ruby would use.)


3 points by almkglor 6203 days ago | link

Rather unfortunately, pg is playing around with syntax, and has thus reserved `?' for future syntax.
