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1 point by eds 6207 days ago | link | parent

Just found this, which discusses the issue, but it doesn't really answer my question.

No one responded to nex3's post in the other thread. Does this mean that Anarki works for other people, or did they just not check?

1 point by mec 6207 days ago | link

I got the snapshot he posted and it won't even load in mzscheme:

  G:\Anarki\arc-wiki>mzscheme -m -f as.scm
  compile: bad yntax; function application is not allowed, because no %app syntax transformer is bound in: (quote nil)

   === context ===
  G:\Anarki\arc-wiki\ac.scm:978:0: aload1

It'll only load in DrScheme but then I get:

  arc> (load "news.arc")
  arc> (nsv)
  The syntax of the command is incorrect.

  The syntax of the command is incorrect.
  The syntax of the command is incorrect.

  The syntax of the command is incorrect.

  load items: Error: "directory-list: could not open \"G:\\Anarki\\arc-wiki\\arc\\news\\story\\\" (The system cannot find the path specified.; errno=3)"


1 point by nex3 6207 days ago | link

Anarki was briefly incompatible with the latest MzScheme. The snapshot may have been made then. The latest revision should be better, though, at least with respect to MzScheme syntax errors.
