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3 points by almkglor 6206 days ago | link | parent

True, although the final (rev a) (rev b) loses some of the speed benefit in the tail-recursion. If we didn't care about order (which happens quite often) we can drop the (rev ...) things. Otherwise, we can use a modulo-cons form, but this exceedingly complicated.

accums seems good... I suggest pushing it on nex-3's arc-wiki.

What I would like to see is a proper order-preserving accum. Here's a try at a "reasonably efficient" implementation:

  (mac accumf (accfn . body)
    " Collects or accumulates the values given to all calls to `accfn' within
      `body' and returns a list of those values.  The returned list
      is in the same order as calls to `accfn'.
      See also [[accum]] [[summing]] "
    (w/uniq (hd tl)
      `(let (,hd ,tl ,accfn) nil
            (= ,accfn
              (fn (s)
                (if ,hd
                    (do (= ,hd (cons s nil)) (= ,tl ,hd))
                    (do (= (cdr ,tl) (cons s nil)) (= ,tl (cdr ,tl))))))