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#arc on Freenode is now logged
5 points by Zanzamar 6234 days ago | 2 comments
So write at your own peril :-)

You can find the logs at

1 point by olifante 6234 days ago | link

Cool. Logged in using to work around the corporate firewall, but it's dead silent right now.


1 point by nandosperiperi 6234 days ago | link

here is a recap of what has happened in arc over the past 12 hours.

some excerpts:

* ams has joined channel #arc

<ams> i'd like to rewrite linux in arc, where do i start?

<mattl> arc is certainly capable.

<ams> and it is a exploratory language, so it shouldn't take to long

<bgeron> I'm not so sure about that

<ams> are you saying arc is not good?

<ams> why not? why can i not write linux in arc?

<ams> pg says it is the best language out there

* wvd has joined channel #arc

<wvd> hello

<wvd> I'm starting a company, I'll call it bizarro google and instead of hiring CS and math phds I'll hire only cobol programmers. I'm sure Y combinator will give me venture capital for that.

<wakeupsheeple> can i be co-founder

<wvd> what will your business focus be?

<wakeupsheeple> we will consult companies with solutions for their webapplications based on 'software as a service', providing content to their users

<wakeupsheeple> wvd what should i name my web 2.0 company, Quaykor or Kwxxypp

<wvd> totally go for Kwxxypp, vowels are for the weak

<wvd> register the domais, that way people wont think that kwxxypp is just some random string of letters but instead that they might have some kind of non-unicode browser that does not render cyrillic URLs

<wakeupsheeple> your first duty as Kwxxypp cofounder is to register that domain since i've already posted the business plan here
