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4 points by absz 6201 days ago | link | parent

Another way to run a program from a file is to use from the Anarki. This pretty much does what you said (mzscheme -m -f as.scm < myprogram.arc), but is packaged up in a script.

As for searching, the best way is probably to do a Google search for "my query".

2 points by tiglionabbit 6200 days ago | link

>As for searching, the best way is probably to do a Google search for "my query".

True, and I'd figured that out, but neglected to mention it because I still couldn't find what I wanted.

Anyways, search is an important feature these days that every site with some dynamic content should have. You can't expect google's indexer to keep up with all your changes, and a forum with any sort of scale should encourage its users to search for duplicate topics before starting their own lest redundancies abound. I'd like to see an arc solution for searching on these posts.


1 point by almkglor 6200 days ago | link

Posts are stored in flat files in blog.arc (which I think is the basis for this site anyway)

Using my file-table:

You can then do:

Speed is an issue of course ^^. Possibly we could store, say, word counts for each post.
