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8 points by almkglor 6198 days ago | link | parent

Plenty efficient. Try reading the original lambda papers:

The one you need to read is "Lambda: the Ultimate GOTO"

Basically the most important realization is that the return address on the stack may be modeled as the address for a different procedure, which by a staggering coincidence just so happens to point to the code after the function call. So basically a return is itself equivalent to a function call.

7 points by sacado 6198 days ago | link

ccc is one of the strangest things in Scheme (and Arc now). Hard to get everything behind it, but it can be used to implement return statements, try-catch à la C++/Java, coroutines à la Lua, generators à la Python and of course continuation-based web apps à la Arc...

A very strange beast, and as far as I know the thing Scheme has that CL hasn't (and cannot trivially implement).


5 points by KirinDave 6198 days ago | link

It should be no surprise continuations could do all these things. Continuations are the fundamental unit of all control flow in programming.


4 points by sjs 6198 days ago | link

Arc doesn't use ccc for web apps, just good old closures.


7 points by almkglor 6198 days ago | link

Actually, the form of closure used by Arc is highly similar to a continuation passing style, so although it doesn't use 'ccc, it does use continuations.


2 points by eds 6198 days ago | link

cl-cont is a library that implements closures and runs on many CL implementations. So it's not a matter of CL can't do it, CL just has to use a library to do it.


4 points by jbert 6197 days ago | link

I think there are conceptual problems mixing unwind-protect-like constructs and call/cc.

The cl-cont lib appears to only support a subset of CL (in particular unwind-protect is not supported).

So cl-cont doesn't demonstrate that CL can support it, only that a restricted subset of CL can.

I don't know if it is possible to sensibly accommodate unwind-protect and call/cc in the same language, it seems smarter people than I have avoided doing so.


4 points by randallsquared 6197 days ago | link

Scheme's dynamic-wind serves the same purpose as unwind-protect (except with entry conditions as well, since a continuation could suddenly return into your protected code), and plays nicely with continuations. I'm not sure about the details, though.


1 point by jbert 6197 days ago | link

Thanks for that, pretty interesting. I guess that makes writing entry and exit conditions a little more interesting, since they could end up being invoked multiple times.


3 points by lojic 6198 days ago | link

That's good to here. Thanks for the links - great reference material.
