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1 point by drcode 6198 days ago | link | parent

> 1. scaffold.arc / inst-entity1 uses global variables. Is this deliberate? Why?

The arc eval doesn't seem to support local environments or passing of environments, so this is the only way to pass in anaphoric variables I could find on my first pass. This function could probably be rewritten without eval and with proper scoped anaphoric variables, but given what is happening in the code this requires serious macro-fu. I do sort of know what I'm doing here- The evals and global vars don't make me feel good either... I will clean this up eventually, but won't complain if someone else figures out how to do it first :)

> 2. Personally I would recommend using the following interface to inst-entity1:

  (def inst-entity1 (temname scaffold scaff rinf)
  (mac inst-entity (temname scaff . rinf)
    `(inst-entity1 ,temname ,scaff ',scaff ',rinf))
Yeah, you're probably right here... my brain is hurting right now... once it's doing better I will look into it...

1 point by almkglor 6198 days ago | link

> requires serious macro-fu

True, that's what it looks like. It seems nearer to a macro-defining-macrosystem rather than plain macros, actually. Should be a challenge ^^.


1 point by treef 6198 days ago | link

Its not always good to have macros writing macros one has to maintain it :)


1 point by almkglor 6198 days ago | link

Yes, but at least I don't have to write the macro directly, ne? ^^
