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4 points by cchooper 6194 days ago | link | parent

In all the Arc code I've written so far, I've used map a lot. That's probably quite common for anyone programming in a language based on lists. I therefore propose that Arc have a special syntax that turns a normal function into one that maps over a list.

For example:

  ($car '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) == (map car '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
Note that $car is an expression that returns a function, so you could pass it to other functions.

  (apply $car '(((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))))
Also, $$car would be a valid expression, as would $[car _] or $(fn (x) (car x)) and so on.

2 points by Jekyll 6193 days ago | link

  (def $ (x . lists)
         (if lists
             (apply map x lists)
             (fn (lists) (apply map x lists)))) 
More or less does what you want, without special syntax. ($$car... would have to be written ($($ car)... though.

To me this looks like a specific case of wanting currying/partial application built in for functions of semi-fixed arity, rather than a need for new syntax.


2 points by absz 6193 days ago | link

You can even be cleaner: $car is $.car (though this doesn't work for $.$.car). But I don't think this is really a specific case of partial application (though I see where you're coming from). While partial application would be ((map car) '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))) and this would be ($car '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))), the biggest win (for me) is not the partial application aspect, but the conciseness of having just one character, as opposed to (currently) ([map car _] '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))) or ([apply map car __] '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))), or even the partial application version. And even so, this strikes me as more similar to a request for explicit partial application, which is already implementable, than implicit partial application.


4 points by cchooper 6192 days ago | link

Yes, it was the conciseness I was after. The syntax was inspired by K, where you can do this by putting a ' before a function name.

Of course, K often looks like line noise, but then K takes this technique to its logical conclusion and uses special syntax for everything. There's no need to go that far.


1 point by nex3 6193 days ago | link

I dislike this idea, mostly because the syntax is pretty trivial anyway using the bracket currying suggested elsewhere. [map car] isn't much shorter than $car, and it's much more flexible and leaves $ (or whatever symbol might end up being used) open for some other meaning. It's also more explicit, although I'm not sure that's worth much.


1 point by absz 6193 days ago | link

That's not necessarily true; as I pointed out further down (, you can get the effect you want. On the other hand, you do take a speed hit. I'm inclined towards supporting both, but swapping the args is very easy to write and may not belong in the core.


2 points by tel 6194 days ago | link

pg said he is planning on opening up intrasymbol syntax and, presumably, presymbol syntax as well. Once that's there this is a trivial addition to play with.


1 point by absz 6194 days ago | link

But when? That may be the single biggest change I want, actually--much of the rest is implementable within Arc, but this is not. Certainly, when that happens this is trivial, but it hasn't yet, and there's no inkling of when.


4 points by tel 6193 days ago | link

Well, pg has at least suggested that he will add that functionality. This is the first I've seen of this presymbol operator.

If you can't wait, implement this or presymbol syntax into Anarki.


1 point by absz 6194 days ago | link

I really like this idea, but I don't know that $ is the best choice. On the other hand, I can't think of something better... ^car? &car? At any rate, fantastic idea.
