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1 point by tokipin 6192 days ago | link | parent

i wouldn't mind that, though it would probably be considered repetitive with map, and the first thing i would do would be (= map mapover) [edit]oops, macros aren't first class... yet

ya'll confuse me wit dem macros @_@. i made my own function called nap (the other option was pam, which rolls off the tongue with an undesirable cooking-spray sort of feel)

  (def nap args
       (apply map (car (rem acons args)) (keep acons args)))
i'm not exactly sure if it works as it should but it seems ok. i noticed a nifty application of this any-order form:

  arc> (nap '(1 2 3) < '(3 2 1))
  (t nil nil)

2 points by absz 6192 days ago | link

Note that mapover is less general than map. It's explicitly designed for the "long anonymous function" case, so you cannot do

  (mapover '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) +)
; instead, you must do

  (mapover '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) (x y)
    (+ x y))
. This is why it is a macro: it needs to treat its last two arguments as part of a function body, so it cannot evaluate them. As a macro, it can package them up and put them in a function, which can be passed to map along with the lists.

nap is a clever function, but will oddly allow you to write (map '(1 2 3) < > '(4 5 6)), which is meaningless. Nevertheless, It's not a terrible idea.
