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7 points by sross 6190 days ago | link | parent

Lisp (or at least Common Lisp) does have a very well defined `true` boolean type.

   * (typep t 'boolean) => t
   * (typep nil 'boolean) => t
   * (typep 3 'boolean) => nil
The fact that t an nil are also symbols (and nil the empty list) is irrelevant.

As for the character issue the idea is a nice one and works well for graphic characters but issues start arising when you look outside that particular set to characters like #\Null, #\Return and #\Newline. Even more hairy are when you want to represent characters like #\Control-\x or #\Meta-\m (not portable btw) which have no reasonable representation as a single character string.

Personally I'm all for a distinct data type which allows extra information to be attached to it but within a language which uniformly allows singleton strings to designate characters and vice-versa.

4 points by cchooper 6190 days ago | link

The CL boolean type is kind of how I'd like characters to work. Characters would be characters, but they'd also be length one strings, same as how T is a boolean, but it's also a symbol.

I agree that special characters require a different representation (using "\n" and so on all the time is not nice). Perhaps though they could still be strings, but just written with a different syntax?


5 points by sacado 6190 days ago | link

Yep. As '() () and nil are equivalent, maybe #\x and "x" should be equivalent too (and so that would work with #\null too : it is the only way to read it (I think), but it is used as a 1-char-long string.
