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3 points by stevecooperorg 6187 days ago | link | parent

C#3 and ASP.NET, using my own library;

    var what_the_user_types = new PageVariable();
        .with_an.input_field(what_the_user_types).and_a.submit_button"click here").to("")
        .Then_a_page.with_a.paragraph("you said: ", what_the_user_types);
Some of these code points do nothing, and are just to see how close I can get to typing the spec straight out. Once you remove 'with_a' and 'and_a' code points, you get;

    var what_the_user_types = new PageVariable();
        .input_field(what_the_user_types).submit_button"click here").to("")
        .Then_a_page.paragraph("you said: ", what_the_user_types);
Which is 24 code points, I think?