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2 points by sacado 6184 days ago | link | parent

OK, I've got a working implementation now. It works this way : I defined a macro named adef which works exactly as def, except that it defines a hashtable associating tuples of types to optimized functions definitions. When the function is defined, this table is emtpy.

Now, every time the function is called, it :

- determines the types of all args

-checks whether this list of types is a key in the table

- if it is, the associated function is called with the current args

- if not, a new function is generated based on the given types. In the fib example, since the type of n is an int, we try to optimize the code. This way, (- n 1) is rewritten (n- n 1), etc.

Actually, the code that was given when calling the adef macro is never really called : it is just a skeleton to generate code adapted to the given types (if possible).

The algorithm is currently very naïve, as it is only able to know the return type of functions if it was manually declared (i.e., as for now, mathematical operators). In the fib example, it does not know the result of (fib (- n 1)), so we can't optimize the '+ operator there. almkglor's suggestions are the way to do I guess, but I already had hard time fighting with these macros, so we'll do type inference later ;)

And, well, there is another little problem. The lookup in the hash table takes a very long time. Most of the time is spent looking for the actual function to be called, thus slowing down the whole process... :( Maybe I should rewrite it using redef instead, or maybe I should write all of this directly in mzscheme (as what we are after is generated the best mzscheme code possible).

  (mac adef (name parms . body)
     (w/uniq (htypes tparms types)
        `(let ,htypes (table)
           (def ,name ,parms
                 (,tparms (mergel ',parms (map type (list ,@parms)))
                  ,types (map cadr ,tparms))
                 (aif (,htypes ,types)
                    (apply it (list ,@parms))
                    (apply (= (,htypes ,types) (gen-fn ,parms ,tparms ,@body)) (list ,@parms))))))))