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2 points by eds 6177 days ago | link | parent

I was thinking about working on a meta-circular native code compiler for Arc, but that is way beyond my abilities at the moment, so I came up with something I think I can actually accomplish.

At the very least, if I write this CL-Arc compiler, I'll be able to write games in Arc using existing CL libraries for SDL.

4 points by almkglor 6177 days ago | link

Why not? Every higher-level language is just a macro on the assembly language of a computer. Model your native code as a list like (__asm (mov 42 ax) (ret)). Consing is just a call to a predefined cons: (__asm (push d) (push a) (call cons) (ret)) - or by applying the lessons of Lambda The Ultimate X (__asm (push d) (push a) (jmp cons)). ^^

Okay, okay, I was actually planning to do something like that a long time ago, haha. But I haven't (yet) found any holes in the basic concept of modelling every function call (f x) as a macroexpansion on (__funcall f x), which expands to an (__asm) form with the function call. Then for functions themselves (fn (x) (f1 x) (f x)), transform the last function call to a tail call: (__asm_let x (esp 4) (__funcall f1 x) (__tail_funcall f x)). Stuff like that ^^.


1 point by eds 6177 days ago | link

If you want to start writing an Arc native code compiler (in Arc), it just brings up a lot of difficult issues that I'm not sure how to deal with. A reader, GC, continuations, tail recursion, etc. all have to be implemented in Arc. You stop getting those for free once you remove the Scheme runtime from the picture.

So quite frankly, I have a lot to learn before I'll be able to take on a project like that.


1 point by almkglor 6177 days ago | link

Encapsulation my friend, encapsulation. Just make a general sketch and leave the details a bit. Then write the details. Besides, you've already done it! Just s/CL/Arc/ your posted article, then s/compile to Arc/compile to assembly/

Sure GC is nontrivial, but Boehm's GC is not bad at all. And if you really need continuations/tail recursion than make everything continuation passing style (you'll probably need to anyway). And I'm sure raymyers' treeparse can help in the reader department.

(IMO the difficulty here in itself is probably the assembly code you'll emit for a given piece of code, not reader/GC/conts/tailrec)

Remember, CL is by itself not so similar to Scheme that you can directly use its reader, as well as its execution model, in your final product. You'll write your own Arc reader in CL anyway (in CL 'arc == 'ARC, in arc 'arc != 'ARC), so you might as well (tada!) write it in Arc and compile it down to assembly. You'll need conts and no, you can't trust CL enough to handle tailrecs.

(Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't be advising you, maybe I should be doing this myself to steal your thunder ^^)


3 points by stefano 6176 days ago | link

CL reader is highly extendable and you can tell it to be case sensitive: (setf (readtable-case readtable) 'sensitive), if I remember correctly. It's possible, I think, to use it to read Arc code.


1 point by eds 6176 days ago | link

Is this portable?

But assuming it works in some form or other, it should remove most of the need to write a custom reader. Though there is still the issue of (for example) complex number syntax, etc.


3 points by stefano 6176 days ago | link

It's in the standard (CLTL2). You can fix everything, because you can tell the reader to use your own functions on particulars characters, as an example this is a piece of code that lets you use Arc [... _ ...] syntax in Common Lisp:

(defun read-square (stream c) (declare (ignore c)) (let ((body (read-delimited-list #\] stream t))) `#'(lambda (_) ,body)))

(set-macro-character #\] #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) (values))) (set-macro-character #\[ #'read-square)


1 point by eds 6177 days ago | link

So would you use the existing (C/C++) implementation of Boehm GC? If so then doesn't that make this not completely implemented in Arc? If not then that's one more piece to write (although I guess it isn't too difficult to translate code that's already been written in another language).

Yes, the assembly part of it looks difficult to me. When I look at Arc or Lisp code I don't see any way to translate that to native code. Obviously has been done, I'm just not educated on such matters.

You have a good point about the reader, I should probably add that to my proposal. And writing it in Arc would be an interesting exercise.

And can't I trust CL about tail recursion? Most decent implementations do tail recursion, right? And can't I tell people to stay away from those that don't?

But suppose I can't trust CL to do tail recursion. What am I supposed to do about it?


1 point by almkglor 6177 days ago | link

> So would you use the existing (C/C++) implementation of Boehm GC? If so then doesn't that make this not completely implemented in Arc?

And neither is Linux completely implemented in C, and C compilers written in C are not completely implemented in C, because bits and pieces of the libraries they link their code to are written in assembly.

> Yes, the assembly part of it looks difficult to me. When I look at Arc or Lisp code I don't see any way to translate that to native code. Obviously has been done, I'm just not educated on such matters.

The Lambda the Lutimate papers are a good place to start if you're interested - they include some hand-written assembly code equivalents to Scheme/Lisp code, largely function calls and prefix/suffix. Given that the most basic axioms of Arc include (fn ...) and a function call syntax, this would be quite of interest.

> But suppose I can't trust CL to do tail recursion. What am I supposed to do about it?

Use 'prog and 'go? ^^ Lambda is the lutimate!!


1 point by sacado 6176 days ago | link

"Yes, the assembly part of it looks difficult to me. When I look at Arc or Lisp code I don't see any way to translate that to native code. Obviously has been done, I'm just not educated on such matters."

I found a good link / tutorial about how to compile a subset of Scheme to C language. The compiler is about 800 lines of Gambit Scheme (blank lines included) and even deals with tail-recursion and continuations ! (well, that's based on the lambda papers...)

No GC, but you can use Boehm and have one for free.


1 point by stefano 6176 days ago | link

You can trust CL to do tail recursion. I'm not sure if the standard requires it but every decent implementation must provide it.


2 points by eds 6176 days ago | link

I think I'll just say that CL-Arc is only compatible with the subset of CL implementation that do tail recursion. (Which happens to be all the implementations I would consider using anyways.)


1 point by kens2 6177 days ago | link

Garbage collection?


3 points by almkglor 6177 days ago | link

The only time you need garbage collection is when you're allocating new memory. This is of course abstracted away into the 'cons procedure you end up calling at each (cons a d) - basically 'cons triggers gc if necessary. You may then very well just use the someone-Boehm garbage collector for C, which will (I think!) helpfully look at registers and stack for you.

The someone-Boehm GC (reportedly) works well with C - I'm reasonably sure that it will work well with assembly.


1 point by sacado 6177 days ago | link

only cons ? What about bignums ? And strings ?


2 points by stefano 6177 days ago | link

If you use the Boehm GC, you can handle everything simply by calling GC_malloc every time you need memory.


1 point by sacado 6177 days ago | link

Yes, you're right. Sorry about that.

Anyway, maybe the right way to do so is by destructuring a Scheme implementation ? Starting from a given implementation, you write your compiler from scratch, but use the facilities of the chosen implementation for the reader and the GC. Then, once it's working, you gradually remove the scaffolding by implementing these things by hand...


1 point by almkglor 6177 days ago | link

Well, if you're going to end up implementing something like my unrolled-lists ideas, then everything can very well be a cons cell underneath. Including bignums and strings.


4 points by stefano 6177 days ago | link

PicoLisp ( uses cons cells to implement everything, from bignums to strings.


1 point by sacado 6177 days ago | link

Hmm, looks like an interesting beast... I'll have a look at it some day...
