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1 point by almkglor 6177 days ago | link | parent

Even weirder now:

  ((alt-r 2) (many-r 1) (formatting 0) (close-br 0) (italics 0) (arc-code 0) 
  (wiki-link 0) (open-br 0) (arc-tag-e 0) (bolded-text 0) (nowiki-e 0) 
  (many-format 0) (elided-white 0) (p-alphadig 0) (italicized-text 0) 
  (ampersand-coded-text 0) (ampersand-codes 0) (arc-tag 0) 
  (nowiki-text 0) (nowiki 0) (bold 0) (seq-r -3))
This from a page which Arki reports as having been generated in 1666msec. It's funny, because the total time is 0.

Can you try reproducing the above setup? Maybe it's the threading thing which is bollixing it?