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1 point by eds 6177 days ago | link | parent

I appreciate everyone's comments, both the support and the criticism. And I'd like people's help with something.

At the moment I have one major problem: LispNYC does not deem CL-Arc to a be a full summer's worth of work. So unless I can show them that CL-Arc really is a summer's worth of work, I'm left with either coming up with additional ideas which I can work on after CL-Arc, or writing an entirely new proposal on another topic.

I'm wondering if anyone has ideas for what I could work on after completing the basic CL-Arc. If the axioms and core language take a couple of weeks, and the libraries take a couple of weeks, and FFI (probably just a port of the current FFI on Anarki) takes two weeks, that leaves a lot of time in the summer. What can I do with this time?

One idea is I could port Arco to CL-Arc. Unfortunately Arco isn't complete and is undergoing rapid changes, and might be completely different by the time I get around to CL-Arc. This makes it even more difficult to write a definite proposal.

Any other ideas? suggestions?


1 point by almkglor 6177 days ago | link


^^ Okay, okay, hahaha j/k.

How about porting the Anarki-specific extensions to the language?

1. defcall

2. FFI - probably take the longest

3. settable-fn (make it builtin, the Anarki version actually drops down to Scheme using $ for this).

And some things that Arc base lacks which is hard to hack around the scheme implementation for:

1. Error reporting. With LINE NUMBERS. And the ability to give macros access to the line numbers, too.

Some of the higher-voted ones here too:


1 point by eds 6177 days ago | link

I am planning on doing FFI.

How long do you think defcall and settable-fn would take?

Good error reporting would be nice, I'll consider it. (But I'm a little dubious about working on something pg may have already done.)


1 point by almkglor 6177 days ago | link

> How long do you think defcall and settable-fn would take?

About a week, maybe less ^^. Defcall is reasonably trivial although it requires some rethinking. settable-fn is implementable using defcall (see nex-3's settable-fn2) but I'm personally dubious of such a style, and prefer my own.

> (But I'm a little dubious about working on something pg may have already done.)

We don't have evidence either way - pg hasn't commented on this (none that I've seen, anyway). Up to you to decide whether to act as if pg made it, or act as if pg didn't make it.


1 point by stefano 6176 days ago | link

FFI should be almost immediate (a few days) using CFFI. You should also have a look at ac.sbcl.lisp on Anarki as a starting point.


1 point by eds 6176 days ago | link

That's the problem though: if this isn't a full summer's worth of work it isn't really a valid project for GSoC.


2 points by stefano 6176 days ago | link

You could add to the proposal various useful libraries, such as libraries to use HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc. protocols, bindings to access databases, graphic libraries, etc. You just have to choose.
