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1 point by absz 6174 days ago | link | parent

The problem is that you then have a function whose return value depends on where it is called. Not when, but physically where. Also, imagine the havoc that would be reached with a memoized function: if f were memoized, then its return value would change depending on where it was called first. You could certainly argue that you shouldn't memoize f, but I think that you would find that this cropped up with functions that were actually a good idea to memoize.

The problem with being able to change f's return value by wrapping it in a lexical scope is that it destroys the "black box" abstraction of a function. You have to know how f is implemented to get a certain effect; alternatively, if you don't know how f is implemented, a simple change of variable name could wreak havoc with your program.

Actually, that name-change issue reveals another problem with dynamic binding: dynamic binding, I think, destroys alpha-equivalence (a fundamental property of the lambda calculus: It might even play with the ability to do beta-reduction, but I'd have to think about that one more.

2 points by jazzdev 6173 days ago | link

>dynamic binding, I think, destroys alpha-equivalence

Alpha-equivalence applies to bound variables.

Dynamic binding applies to free variables.


1 point by absz 6173 days ago | link

Gah, same gotcha as before. Mea culpa. I still stand by the first two paragraphs, though; it may not be alpha-equivalence, but changing names should rarely, if ever, affect distinct parts of the program.
