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2 points by almkglor 6173 days ago | link | parent

I'll go through the code later to see what can be done. Certainly the AST looks representable as plain lists to me, although I haven't fully analyzed it yet.

As an aside compile-file could be restructured like the following:

  (def compile-file (filename)
    (compile-ast (parse-file filename) (+ (strip-ext filename) ".c")))
  ; to allow programmatic access
  (def compile-ast (ast dest)
    ; chain of conversions
    (let chain
           (list cps-convert "CPS-CONVERSION")
           (list closure-convert "CLOSURE-CONVERSION"))
    ; do reduction
    (let final-ast
           (fn (ast (f desc))
             (let new-ast (f ast)
               (prn "----------------- AST after " desc)
              (prn (source new-ast))
           chain ast)
        (prn "-------------------- C Code:")
        (w/outfile f dest
          (w/stdout f
            (prn:liststr:code-generate final-code))))))
This should allow easy insertion of any steps (e.g. optimization steps) along the way.

In fact the chain list should probably be better use `(,), so that we can support flags or suchlike for optimizations:

       (,cps-convert "CPS-CONVERSION")
       ,@(if optimize
             `((,optimize-after-cps "CPS-OPTIMIZATION")))
       (,closure-convert "CLOSURE-CONVERSION")
       ,@(if optimize
             `((,optimize-after-closure "CLOSURE-OPTIMIZATION"))))