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1 point by almkglor 6172 days ago | link | parent

> You can't eval each top-level form in compile-time. They may have side-effects, may expect user inputs, and may terminate in weeks(for example, a program doing ray-tracing or nuclear-explosion simulation).

And you're compiling (not executing) a top-level form that does those things?

All right then - make the limitation that macros must be defined in their own top-level forms, and if a top-level form ever contains 'mac in a function position, or (annotate 'mac ...), then it's executed and any macros it assigns to globals are treated as such: macros. If it terminates in weeks, too bad.

Alternatively just write an interpreted REPL and include the ability to compile code, but not include macros in compilation - macros must be loaded into the REPL, then the actual runnable code is compiled (and the compiled code's macros are ignored).

Anything just to get macros.