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4 points by almkglor 6170 days ago | link | parent

A very nasty lack is the fact that you can have an operation that's always a redirect, or an operation that always generates HTML (and only HTML too - the server automatically assumes that it's HTML without asking), but not one which might redirect or might generate HTML (or generate something else, like a bitmap from, say, a ray tracer or ray caster ^^).

> I'm pretty sure that harvest-fnids will die in the split if there are < 2000 fnids and > 18000 timed-fnids, but I haven't verified this.

Haruu, this conjecture seems correct.

Edit: Fixed(?) and on the git. Somebody had better check my code though.

>Is lack of consistency something that bothers other people, or do I have the wrong mindset here?

It bothers me too. For that reason I'm practically rebuilding bits and pieces of the server (e.g. w/html, cached-table).