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1 point by tokipin 6158 days ago | link | parent

here's my batch file:

  cd "c:\documents and settings\account\desktop\arc2"
  mzscheme -m -f "as.scm"
the cd seems to be necessary. my guess is mzscheme takes note of the directory you launch things from, and relative file paths in the arc implementation are considered relative to where you launched the command, not relative to the folder as.scm is in

though i don't use a batch file anymore. not after i implemented a nice automated paste-this-code-from-Vim-to-the-REPL AutoHotkey script

2 points by eds 6158 days ago | link

You can solve the cwd problem by passing a "--load-cd" parameter to mzscheme:

  mzscheme --no-init-file --mute-banner --load-cd C:\path\to\arc\as.scm
