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2 points by elibarzilay 6157 days ago | link | parent

The underlying foreign implementation is looking for the library. The problem is that /usr/lib/ is not the library and dlopen() does not know how to handle this.

A better alternative with mzscheme's foreign interface is to use `#f' for the library -- that treats the mzscheme binary as the library to open (which includes the usual libc stuff.)

1 point by sacado 6157 days ago | link

Interesting. Should be added to ffi.arc...


2 points by eds 6157 days ago | link

Yeah, because currently if you attempt

  (w/ffi #f
    (cdef cfork "fork" cint ()))
arc will convert #f to nil, which mzcheme thinks is an unbound variable. There are work-arounds, like

  (w/ffi (read "#f")
    (cdef cfork "fork" cint ()))
but this is rather ugly.
