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2 points by drcode 6157 days ago | link | parent

on #2, I would prefer:

(5 x) ==> (is 5 x)

...and also:

('foo x) ==> (is 'foo x)

...assuming that doesn't cause a problem I don't see right now...

2 points by nex3 6157 days ago | link

I don't like this because then you have inconsistent behavior between types. It feels like you're saying, "If you can find something useful to do on function call, do that... otherwise just run is." Why wouldn't

  ((table) (table))


2 points by sacado 6156 days ago | link

I don't like it. What does (tb x) mean ? Does it mean "look for the key 'x in table 'tb" (provided 'tb is a table) or "is variable 'x holding the same thing as variable 'tb" ?

However, I think this could be a good candidate for ssyntax :

  foo?x ==> (is foo x)


2 points by cchooper 6156 days ago | link

Definitely like that idea. Using is is a real pain and I have to use it all the time.


1 point by cchooper 6157 days ago | link

The problem I see with the second one is:

  ('foo) x) == ((quote foo) x)
so there would be no way of telling if you were trying to do a list-ref.
