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2 points by sacado 6156 days ago | link | parent

I found it was more looking like K or something close.

2 points by bOR_ 6156 days ago | link

K++ perhaps. I'm sort of making unjust fun of the language, but I seriously prefer ((())()()) to this.

  #import std
  #import nat
  #comment -[
  solves the general case of the 8 queens problem;
  invoke as queens -n, where n is a number > 3]-
  #executable <'par',''>
  queens =
  %np+~command.options.&h.keyword.&iNC; -+
     ~&iNC+ file$[contents: --<''>+ %nLP*=; * '<'%='[ '+          ','%=', '+ '>'%=' ]']+ ~&rSSs+ nleq-<&l*rFlhthPXPSPS,
   ~&i&& ~&lNrNCXX; ~&rr->rl %tLnLtXLLWXMk+ ^/~&l ~&lrrhrSiF4E?/~&rrlPlCrtPX ~&r; ^|/~& ^|T\~& -+
      -<&l^|*DlrTS/~& ~&iiDlSzyCK9hlPNNXXtCS,
      ^jrX/~& ~&rZK20lrpblPOlrEkPK13lhPK2; ~&i&& nleq$-&lh+-,
   ^/~&NNXS+iota -<&l+ ~&plll2llr2lrPrNCCCCNXS*=irSxPSp+   ^H/block iota; *iiK0 ^/~& sum+-
