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MySQL needed?
1 point by globalrev 6150 days ago | 4 comments
so im finally getting going with the webapps in Arc.

however if i really want to run a server and have information stored, lets say i create a simple forum. do i need to use mysql then? or is there some sort of database system included in Arc?

2 points by almkglor 6150 days ago | link

I suggest that you study lib/file-table.arc .

I introduced file-table.arc here:

The series of "create your own collection": Suggest PG: Settable function objects Create your own collection in Arc: settable functions now implemented on arc-wiki.git Create your own collection: use directories as if they were tables with file-table Create your own collection: bidirectional tables Create your own collection: cached-table

You might also be interested in Arki, the wiki in Anarki, which is the first application that used file-table (and treeparse, and cached-table, and many other Anarki-only extensions) and


1 point by cchooper 6150 days ago | link

You could use Arc templates, which are an easy way of saving and loading Arc objects to/from text files. That's what this forum uses. I believe kens' site has some documentation for this, or you could look at the news.y source code.

If you want to use a SQL database instead, someone wrote an interface for it and posted it to the forum (maybe also on Anarki?) but I can't find it with Google.


1 point by globalrev 6150 days ago | link

where is the news.y sourcecode? couldnt find it googling and not on the arc or anarki homepages.


2 points by lojic 6150 days ago | link

It's in the tarball as news.arc
