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Official versions of Arc?
2 points by schtog 6129 days ago | 3 comments
when Arc3 Arc2c etc is referenced here, is that an official version?

where can i see which official versions there are and when they were released?

6 points by sacado 6129 days ago | link

Arc3 is not released yet (it was just a joke, because we are waiting for it). Arc2c is a non-official, still in development version of a stand-alone compiler from arc to C. The official version (arc2, without the c) is available here : . It was released at the end of February.

You can also download Anarki, an unofficial improvement of arc2 (mostly bug fixes, a few experimental ideas and a few more libraries), available here .

Personally, I think you really should use Anarki as it is more mature, but is still compatible with the official arc2 (and most people here would tell you so), but it's up to you.

Oh, and in both cases, you will need to download and install mzscheme first (


1 point by almkglor 6129 days ago | link

> You can also download Anarki, an unofficial improvement of arc2 (mostly bug fixes, a few experimental ideas and a few more libraries)

Err, I'd say its more (some bug fixes, a lot of crazy experimental ideas and a bunch of unused libraries)


1 point by lojic 6129 days ago | link

It was more a sign of frustration than a joke :(
