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4 points by eds 6127 days ago | link | parent

Personally, when learning Lisp, syntax wasn't a big issue. While the infix syntax of most languages is fairly intuitive, the rest of syntax (of e.g. C++ or Perl) is scary compared to Lisp's parens. (Although perhaps what puts people off is the frightening simplicity of Lisp's lack of syntax after using a conventional language.)

I started learning Lisp with Common Lisp, so I can make a couple of points there. pg's ANSI Common Lisp ( and Peter Seibel's Practical Common Lisp ( are both good texts, and go a long way toward getting you into Lisp. I also like Pascal Costanza's Highly Opinionated Guide to Lisp ( and Steve Yegge's Lisp Wins (I think) (

One the things that proved difficult about learning Lisp was choosing an implementation. There is no canonical implementation and as such I had to try several out before I learned which ones I enjoyed using. This survey of CL implementations ( helped me when deciding which implementations to try. I recommend both CLISP ( and SBCL (, but that is just personal preference.

Also, the IDE was a difficult issue. I eventually settled on emacs with slime (, although I have occasionally used Cusp, a Lisp plugin for Eclipse ( The main problem here was a lack of (thourough, easy to follow, up to date) instructions. Over the last couple of years I have gradually found good instructions on slime, but I can't seem to find any of them right now...

2 points by absz 6127 days ago | link

I wasn't saying that the prefix syntax was an issue, just that it hampered popularity. Perception ≠ reality, after all. I too quite like the prefix syntax. I still slightly miss the simplicity of some of the Ruby code that I wrote, but the prefix syntax always wins me over; its benefits (macros) outweigh the minor downsides. Especially with []s and ssyntax.

And thanks for the CL thoughts! Regarding IDEs, I myself have ended up working just from the Mac OS X text editor TextMate (using Visor, which puts Terminal on a hotkey), and haven't found it problematic.
