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4 points by shader 6097 days ago | link | parent

Documentation would be helpful. I think it would be nice if the docs did more than just describe the interfaces to the functions, though that would help. It would be nice if the docs were more developer oriented for the time being, so that interested parties (like myself) could figure out enough of what was going on to help a bit :)

Once I learned what and how things were going on, then I could start to work on libraries. Not to mention the virtual machine. ;)

Personally, of the other three, I would prefer the VM if it included erlang functionality. In second place would be the a2c, because I think it would optimize better than a native compiler, though I could be wrong. I've been amazed several times by what y'all have been able to do.

That being said, a native compiler would be really cool. It sounds more stable and standalone than a2c, and probably the right long term choice. It's also something I'd be interested in learning how to do.

The only other thing I think the community should do is start a good wiki for documentation. That and a good place to upload / download libraries, a la cpan. I don't think we want to include them all in git forever. It would be great if we could make a good centralized place to find libraries and documentation, instead of distributed across blogs and this forum.

5 points by almkglor 6097 days ago | link

There's kens' excellent , as well as the Anarki-only (help ...) : use (help function-name) for help on a specific function and (help "regular expression") to search function names and documentation.

re: native compiler: possibly a gcc front-end might work?


1 point by stefano 6096 days ago | link

There is a wiki on github. For the moment I think putting all libraries on Anarki should suffice. When the libraries begin to proliferate (if this will ever happen) we could start thinking about something like cpan.
