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anarki on Mac OS X Tiger
1 point by jimm 6091 days ago | 3 comments
The latest version of anarki's does not run on Mac OS X Tiger. The problem is with its version of bash, which does not like the line

  arc_dir=$(dirname $(readlink --canonicalize "$0"))
The readlink command does not take "--canonicalize" as an argument. Here is my proposed solution.

  if [ `uname` = 'Darwin' ] ; then
      arc_dir=$(dirname "$0")
      arc_dir=$(dirname $(readlink --canonicalize "$0"))
Note that it gets rid of the readlink entirely. That's because Tiger's version of readlink prints nothing unless its argument is a link.


1 point by jimm 6090 days ago | link

I've committed an improved version of this change that uses Mac OS X's version of readlink.


1 point by jimm 6091 days ago | link

A follow-up question: is anybody using Leopard having the same problem with


1 point by jmatt 6083 days ago | link


I changed a lot of my months ago and didn't want to commit it to Anarki.Since Anarki initially had a lot of linux users and it would have misbehaved linux.

Thanks for commiting the improvements!
