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1 point by abu 6083 days ago | link | parent

PicoLisp - put the following text into a file, set the "executable" bit, run it, and point your browser to port 8080:

   #!bin/picolisp lib.l

   (load "ext.l" "lib/http.l" "lib/xhtml.l" "lib/form.l")

   (de p1 ()
      (html 0 "First Page" "lib.css" NIL
         (<post> NIL "@p2"
            (<field> 20 '*Said)
            (<submit> "OK") ) ) )

   (de p2 ()
      (html 0 "Second Page" "lib.css" NIL
         (<href> "Click here" "@p3") ) )

   (de p3 ()
      (html 0 "Third Page" "lib.css" NIL
         "you said: " *Said ) )

   (server 8080 "@p1")