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2 points by absz 6071 days ago | link | parent

You're welcome---I'm glad to have been of assistance.

As for storing copies, I would have said that it would store extra copies because of the different variable it closes over, but almkglor points out that you can separate code and environment, so the question is what mzscheme does.

The thing about redefinition is that in, say, Ruby, you can do

  class String
    def foo
And every string will have that new foo method. Here, you can only redefine the methods of one object.

For me, the real syntax question is whether we want (until p age) (which probably means that we are using the CLOS model of generic functions) or we want (p!until age) (which probably means that we are using the Smalltalk model of message passing). I sort of like the former syntax, but I also sort of prefer the Smalltalk model. What do you think?

1 point by almkglor 6071 days ago | link

Note that redefinition using (p!until age) syntax is still possible in Arc using 'defcall and if you predeclare the private variables.

For instance, consider this:

  (deftype foo (x)
    (private y z)
    (meth niaw ()
      (do-something x y z))
    (meth arf (something)
      (do-something-else something x y z)))
  (let methods
         ; lambda lifted!
         (fn (x y z)
             (do-something x y z))
         (fn (x y z something)
             (do-something-else something x y z)))
    (def foo-replace-method (s f)
      (= (methods s) f))
    ; so external code can determine the local variables
    (def foo-get-private-variables ()
      '(x y z))
    (def foo (x)
      (with (y nil z nil)
        (let invoker
             (fn (f rest)
               (apply f x y z rest))
        (fn (which-method)
            (methods which-method)
               (fn rest (invoker it rest)))))))
Then a method redefining macro can be:

  (def lastcons (l)
    (if (cdr l)
        (lastcons:cdr l)
  (mac redef-meth (type meth params . body)
    (givens replacer (sym:string type "-replace-method")
            privates (eval:list:sym:string type "-get-private-variables")
            _ (= (cdr:lastcons privates) params)
      `(,replacer ,meth (fn ,privates ,@body))))
Note that foo-replace-method and foo-get-private-variables could be placed in a central global table or two instead.
