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Newbie: Wondering whether should create my own blog with Arc + questions
6 points by smilyanov 6057 days ago | 5 comments

I have some experience in Scheme. I'm considering starting a blog and at the same time I want to learn some Arc. Do you suggest trying to create a blogging platform on my own? Just starting from the blog.arc code and expanding it...

(I can afford a virtual hosting service, like Linode, so that the blog would be actually alive.)

Now, as I'm hacking Arc, I've a few questions:

-- How do I load the blog code, modify it, and then test it? Now I've to restart the whole server (e.g. (asv)) and (load "blog.arc") again in order for the changes to take affect.

-- Sometimes a blank page appears instead of localhost:8080/blog -- why is that and why it goes okay when you refresh the page?! (This applies to news.arc as well.)

-- How do you deal with spam submissions -- I'm looking at news.arc and I can't figure this out?!


-- Georgi

2 points by absz 6057 days ago | link

Welcome! It's good to see more people with an interest in Arc.

As for your questions:

1. The best way is to do (thread (asv)), which will launch the server in a separate thread. Then, to modify it, just (load "blog.arc") and refresh the pages.

2. No idea :/

3. As far as I know, it doesn't---but there's been remarkably little spam here. I'm not 100% sure of this, though; I could well be wrong.

Also, I recommend using Anarki instead of arc2.tar. It's much more actively developed and has a lot of really nice features. There's more information at .


3 points by eds 6057 days ago | link

> 1. The best way is to do (thread (asv)), which will launch the server in a separate thread. Then, to modify it, just (load "blog.arc") and refresh the pages.

> 3. As far as I know, it doesn't---but there's been remarkably little spam here. I'm not 100% sure of this, though; I could well be wrong. People were actually disappointed that they couldn't vote it down ;-)


2 points by almkglor 6057 days ago | link

2. Try using the Anarki repository . I believe this issue is related to the "date bug", where PG used a MacOS(?) specific system call to get the date. Have you tried looking if there are messages on the terminal where you ran Arc?

3. There isn't any. In fact has indeed been visited by spam.^^


2 points by antiismist 6057 days ago | link

With spam in news.arc administrators can:

- kill the submission

- delete the submission

- ban the url

- ban the submitting IP


2 points by antiismist 6057 days ago | link

Hi Georgi

For testing, my workflow is:

- have a local version of my site running: (thread (asv 8080))

- have the production running remotely: (thread (asv 80))

- code some function in your favorite editor

- when ready, copy the code to your clipboard, and paste it into the local version

- after testing, paste that code into your remote REPL - no need to do a (load "...")
