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1 point by eekee 6009 days ago | link | parent

Thanks for the patch link. I had to regenerate it, and I'm wondering if I missed something. The patch as I added it (attached below) does get rid of the warning from date, but all the other errors still seem to be there and Firefox still displays only a blank page, as do Links and W3M. Errors on the arc tty are very similar:

reference to undefined identifier: _ranked-stories*

=== context === newspage gs1645 gs905 handle-request-thread

Links uniquely appears to send 2 requests:

reference to undefined identifier: _subseq

=== context === date memodate srvlog gs905 handle-request-thread

reference to undefined identifier: _ranked-stories*

=== context === newspage gs1645 gs905 handle-request-thread

As to Lynx I found this forum doesn't support it either, and I'm not sure I blame it. I tried logging in from my Zaurus, only to get an error about invalid content length. I'm annoyed with Lynx more than the forum. It's been around long enough.

Regenerated patch:

--- arc.arc.orig 2008-09-11 18:42:00.000000000 +0100 +++ arc.arc 2008-09-11 18:46:32.000000000 +0100 @@ -1212,8 +1212,21 @@ (unless (dir-exists path) (system (string "mkdir -p " path))))

+(def uname nil + (let val (tostring (system "uname")) + (subseq val 0 (- (len val) 1)))) + (def date ((o time (seconds))) - (let val (tostring (system (string "date -u -r " time " \"+%Y-%m-%d\""))) + (let val (tostring (system + (string + "date -u " + (if + (is (uname) "Linux") + ;; Linux wants -d and an interval + (string "-d \"" (- 1 (since time)) " seconds\"") + ;; BSD wants -r and epoch seconds + (string "-r " time)) + " \"+%Y-%m-%d\""))) (cut val 0 (- (len val) 1))))

(def count (test x)

Edit: Fixed the newlines. >_> I hope I didn't screw up the patch.

Edit #2: Or not. What kind of forum is this? One that likes proper <p> tags... Okay, I could live with that but honestly, what kind of coding-discussion forum does that make it?

2 points by almkglor 6009 days ago | link

Put two spaces before each line of code:

  ordinary text you want to put in a single

    (indent two spaces
      (to get code)
      (that is readable)
      (make sure
        (to put empty lines before and after)))


1 point by eekee 6009 days ago | link

Ok... well I suppose I could paste errors into an editor before pasting them here.
