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1 point by nlavine 6008 days ago | link | parent

Well, I'd rather not argue about what 'true' macros are, but I would point out that your definition is basically data compression for programs (which, by the way, I think is an interesting approach to take to programming language design). I'm pretty sure both types of macros and normal functions would all fall under it.

As for the hygienic vs. unhygienic difference, unhygienic macros are certainly easier to define: they rearrange source code into other source code.

The one thing I can think of that hygienic macros can do that unhygienic ones can't is that while they are rearranging source code, hygienic macros can insert references to things that aren't bound to any variable in the expansion scope. The common example I've seen for this is that it lets you protect against people redefining your variables weirdly. For instance, if you insert a reference to 'car', it means whatever 'car' meant where you defined your hygienic macro, even if 'car' has been redefined to be something crazy in the place where your macro is used. The Scheme hygienic macro system also has a way to break hygiene if you want to, so it can do everything other Lisp macros can do.

I guess the question then is, is it useful to be able to do that?

And if you decide you want to be able to do that, are Scheme-style hygienic macros the right way to go about it?

(One option would be to just let you insert objects straight into forms, instead of symbols that you think should reference those objects. This would be fine unless you wanted to be able to set those things later, in which case you'd need some way to get at the actual underlying variable boxes.)