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1 point by stefano 5993 days ago | link | parent

Seems a good idea. When require sees a string it would have its standard behavior, and when it sees a symbol it loads it as a packaged library. I'll add it. I'd also like to integrate it with a namespace system, but there is none yet. You've been working on a system based on symbols, right? What's its current state? Is it usable?

2 points by almkglor 5993 days ago | link

It'll end up forking Arc I'm afraid: I'm doing the system in the scheme side. I've gotten the translation up, but I'm still testing it. ^^


3 points by stefano 5992 days ago | link

> It'll end up forking Arc

This is becoming unavoidable. This is really a pity, but the official Arc development is simply too slow (assuming it is moving, a quite optimistic assumption).


1 point by almkglor 5989 days ago | link

Integrating it into my forked Arc, but sadly something is interacting badly with the compiler and some macro is getting stuck in an infinite loop (which, if I don't catch with a ^C early enough, will force me to actually restart my computer T.T), probably from an incorrect compile. I'm debugging it currently >.<


2 points by almkglor 5988 days ago | link

Debugged! Now I just need to rewrite bits and pieces of arc.arc to clean it up and make it follow a more "axiomatic" path that will allow you to do neat things, like define how (+ (your-type 1 2) 42) will be (and adding hacks into ac.scm so that the axiomatic path isn't so slow).


1 point by stefano 5992 days ago | link

Integration done and on Anarki. Now (require 'mylib) loads 'mylib and (require "file.arc") loads, as usual, "file.arc".
