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3 points by almkglor 5991 days ago | link | parent

An alternative method of distributing individual libraries other than by dumping them all on Anarki.

Say we make a convention that we can make a new post on with the post title "<library>my-library" in order to define a new library called "my-library". Library code must be indented by two spaces as normal to differentiate commentary on the library from the library code itself.

Then when 'require can't find my-library on the local copy, it uses http-get, trawls through<... , and searches for the newest post on, downloads it, then parses out the library code.


That would be cool, but probably stupid.

Basically, a really nice way to package and distribute individual libraries, a really nice way to specify dependencies.

1 point by stefano 5990 days ago | link

With pack.arc you can pack a library in a directory, and then you can distribute that directory and put it wherever you like. I don't like too much the method of abusing the forum to distribute libraries. I would really like an ad-hoc application (maybe at, so that if require doesn't find a lib it tries to install it from or something similar. As of today, dependencies are already handled, but the needed package must be in the search path of pack.arc.


2 points by almkglor 5990 days ago | link

But that requires PG to actually do something ^^


2 points by stefano 5990 days ago | link

That's the problem. Has anyone a web site where to put a shared library db?
