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Logo-url in news.arc doesn't follow same rules as up-url and down-url?
1 point by niels_olson 5971 days ago | 1 comment
Basically, the on-page image urls seem to get handled differently.

Here's the line for the on-page images:

(= up-url* "grayarrow.gif" down-url* "graydown.gif" logo-url* "y18.gif")

My instance is

Here's the images line that works for me (= up-url* "grayarrow.gif" down-url* "graydown.gif" logo-url* "")

My image file, J.gif, is in the arc directory, right next to graydown.gif, and J.gif is also in the root of my apache server, which is serving separately out of port 80. Here are some logo-url* values that didn't work for me:

logo-url* J.gif (same format as the down-url* value)

logo-url* (the absolute path the server would presumably use)

grepping for the file names and variables in the Anarki directory has yielded nothing.

Any thoughts?

1 point by cchooper 5969 days ago | link

If you're using Anarki, you'll find that the files used by news.arc have been moved to arc/arc/news_public_html. If you put your gif in there it should work fine.
