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1 point by shader 5931 days ago | link | parent

Neat idea. How would we go about starting said project? I suppose it would mean making some macros for arm assembly, and then implementing arc's primitives in those macros as opposed to scheme?

It sounds more like a compiler situation than an interpreted one.

1 point by natarajsn 5900 days ago | link


Sure. It seems to be a compiler situation. How different are Arc and Scheme? Give me some tips to start off implementing arc's primitives.


1 point by CatDancer 5899 days ago | link

The first step would be to read and understand arc2/ac.scm, which is an MzScheme program which translates Arc code into MzScheme.

Then you could look at if ac.scm is using any MzScheme features that Armpit Scheme doesn't have.
