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3 points by CatDancer 5901 days ago | link | parent

calling the table using any table function that return all entries, does not return the order as it was stored, but rather it seems to return them randomly

Yes, if you need to keep track of things in a particular order (such as the order you added them), you should put them in a list.

Note that you can put the same data in both a list and in a table, if that is what you need for your application.

hence the storing of the table names as symbols in a table

If you want to have a mapping of table names to tables, you can store that in its own table:

  (= tables* (table))
  (= tables*!QYVSn5n1 my-data-table-1)
  (= tables*!UYg47nnb my-data-table-2)
then to get at a particular table

  (let table-name 'UYg47nnb
    (let data-table (tables* table-name)
      ... (vals data-table) etc. ...

1 point by thaddeus 5901 days ago | link

Great! That worked for me.... Not sure why I didn't think of it, but hey I've only been programming for a month now :) Thanks for everyone's help. T.

    (= my-data-table-1 (table))
    (= (my-data-table-1 'drink) 'milk)
    (= (my-data-table-1 'eat) 'eggs)

    arc> (keys my-data-table-1)
    (drink eat)
    arc> (vals my-data-table-1)
    (milk eggs)

    (= my-data-table-2 (table))
    (= (my-data-table-2 'run) 'fast)
    (= (my-data-table-2 'walk) 'slow)

    arc>(keys my-data-table-2)
    (walk run)
    arc>(vals my-data-table-2)
    (slow fast)

    (= tables* (table))
    (= (tables* '0) my-data-table-1)
    (= (tables* '1) my-data-table-2)

    (def load-ordered-tables ()
      (for i 0 (- (len tables*) 1)
        (let current-table (tables* i)
          (pr (vals current-table))

    arc> (load-ordered-tables)
    (milk eggs)(slow fast)nil


1 point by CatDancer 5901 days ago | link

You're welcome!

If it turns out that you just need a list of your data tables, you can do this:

  (= tables* (list my-data-table-1 my-data-table-2))

  (def load-ordered-tables ()
    (each current-table tables*
      (pr (vals current-table))))


1 point by thaddeus 5901 days ago | link

and ..Hey go figure..... I even figured out how to make it work the way I was originally attempting to make it work ! :)

    arc> temp-table
    #hash((0 . (0 hUv086uP)) (1 . (1 CH3w2sdp)))
    arc> ((temp-table 1) 1)

    (= CH3w2sdp (table))
    (= (CH3w2sdp 'run) 'fast)
    (= (CH3w2sdp 'walk) 'slow)

    (def thad ()
       (eval `(vals ,((temp-table 1) 1))))

     (slow fast)


1 point by lboard 5873 days ago | link

