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2 points by skenney26 5845 days ago | link | parent

The fold defined above is a right fold. As for defining other general utilities, this version of fold can be used to define any function that uses a right fold. For example:

  (def len (xs)
    (fold (xy (+ y 1)) 0 xs))

  (def sumlength (xs)
    (fold (fn (n (x y)) (list (+ n x) (+ 1 y))) '(0 0) xs))
Graham Hutton has written an excellent paper on fold called "A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold" which includes these and other definitions.

3 points by simonb 5845 days ago | link

This doesn't change the fact that your definition of fold blows the stack for large inputs.

P.S. the "you need right-fold" bit was obviously a brain-fart on my part, sorry.
