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Is possible to use command line arguments in jarc?
1 point by pmarin 5808 days ago | 1 comment
For example a command line like

     java -jar jarc.jar prog.arc -args arg1 arg2 arg3
and get a build in argument list like:

     jarc> argl
     ("prog.arc" "arg1" "arg2" "arg3")

1 point by conanite 5801 days ago | link

I can't answer for jarc although looking at the source it seems that jarc will assume the first argument, if given, is a file to read and interpret.

If you need this functionality urgently in a java-based arc, rainbow has it already, see

  -args a b c     # sets "*argv*" in the arc environment to (a b c). This option, if present, must be specified last.
It's tricky to make it work as you want it, quotes and parens seem to confuse the commandline shell. Let me know if it's not working for you.
