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5 points by CatDancer 5772 days ago | link | parent

Strongly deprecated:

I participated a bit in the discussion while r6rs was being created, but it quickly became apparent to me that the goals that the editors were striving for weren't things that I personally cared about.

So, anyway, due to the "compromise", can we get mutable pairs if we run MzScheme in r6rs compatibility mode?


  (import (rnrs) (rnrs mutable-pairs (6)))

  (define x (cons 'a 'b))
  (set-car! x 'c)
  (write x)

  $ ./mzscheme a.scm
  (c . b)
So yes, though it turns out that in r6rs compatibility mode cons is really just mcons, so we don't actually gain anything.

1 point by herdrick 5772 days ago | link

Interesting. Have you tried r6rs compat mode?

It looks like SRFI 1, at least, isn't working with r6rs:


2 points by CatDancer 5772 days ago | link

Have you tried r6rs compat mode?

Not any more than I've shared here.
